DERHEROLD enters the light of day.
In co-operation with rockinbearstudios and the German Fastball Music / BOB-MEDIA we announce the debut album of the German/Swiss metal/rock project around the fictional character DERHEROLD.
The debut album marks the beginning of a trilogy that will be released in album form in the coming years. Behind the character and the concept of DERHEROLD is the musician/artist/illustrator Olav Däumling, whose musical and artistic experience from the past decades is impressively concentrated in the music and lyrics. In all facets, from the composition to the vocals and the artwork, the personality of the multi-talented artist is reflected in DERHEROLD.
Several singles and videos will be released before the album release next year. The first will be the song ‘Shuddap’, which will be released as a single with music video at the end of October. More news will follow soon …
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